
BiasAway is available on PyPi, through Bioconda, and the source code is available on bitbucket. BiasAway takes care of the installation of all the required python modules. If you already have a working installation of python, the easiest way to install the required python modules is by installing biasaway using pip.

If you are setting up Python for the first time, we recommend to install it using the Conda or Miniconda Python distribution. This comes with several helpful scientific and data processing libraries available for platforms including Windows, Mac OSX, and Linux.

You can use one of the following ways to install BiasAway.

Quick installation


BiasAway requires the following Python modules:

Install biopython, numpy, matplotlib, and seaborn

BiasAway uses biopython, numpy, matplotlib, and seaborn you can install them using pip or conda.


If you install using pip or bioconda prerequisites will be installed.

Install BiasAway using conda

BiasAway is available on Bioconda for installation via conda.

conda install -c bioconda biasaway

Install BiasAway using pip

BiasAway is available on PyPi for installation via pip.

pip install biasaway

Install BiasAway from source

You can install the development version by using git from our bitbucket repository at

Install development version from Bitbucket

If you have git installed, use this:

git clone
cd biasaway
python sdist install