How to use BiasAwayΒΆ
Once you have installed BiasAway, you can type:
biasaway --help
It will print the main help, which lists the six subcommands/modules: k
, w
, g
, and c
usage: biasaway <subcommand> [options]
positional arguments <subcommand>: {k,w,g,c}
List of subcommands
k k-mer shuffling
w k-mer shuffling within a sliding window
g mononucleotide distribution matched
c mononucleotide distribution within a sliding window matched
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
To view the help for the individual subcommands, please type:
Please check BiasAway modules
to see a detailed summary of available options.
To view k
module help, type
biasaway k --help
To view w
module help, type
biasaway w --help
To view g
module help, type
biasaway g --help
To view c
module help, type
biasaway c --help